Easily Turn On/Off Bundle Generated Email Notifications

With any bundle generated in Bundledocs, you will automatically receive an email notification informing you that your bundle is ready to be downloaded. However, in some cases you may not want to receive these notifications - especially at times when you are making a number of changes to your bundle. Turning on/off these notifications is simple, just follow the steps outlined below. Remember, you can turn them back on at any time.

Let's take a look at how this can be done...

Easily Turn On/Off Bundle Generated Email Notification

Easily Turn On/Off Bundle Generated Email Notification

1. Select your email in the top right corner.

2. From the dropdown, select 'My Account'.

3. The 'Account Information' section will then appear. Within 'Options' (located on the right of your screen), select the 'Receive Bundle Generated Email' tick box.

4. Select 'Update'

Feature Focus: Restart Page Numbering for Each Section

Page numbering has never been easier with Bundledocs. Within this Feature Focus post we will take a look at how to restart page numbering at the beginning of each new section. 

For those that are not aware, Bundledocs automatically paginates/numbers each bundle created - as well as automatically indexing, bookmarking, hyperlinking etc. For users that create multiple section bundles, you may want to restart page numbering at the beginning of each section. With Bundledocs all it takes is the click of a button. Take a look at the steps detailed below or check out our ‘How to Paginate Court Documents’ video to see it in action.

Easily restart page numbering at the beginning of each section

Easily restart page numbering at the beginning of each section

To restart page numbering at the beginning of each new section simply:

  1. Select Generate

  2. Select the '+' next to 'Page Numbering' to expand the ‘Page Numbering‘ section

  3. Select the 'Restart Page Numbering' tick box

  4. Select 'Generate' to complete

Paginated Bundle - Example

(Let’s take a look at how our completed numbered bundle will appear)

Index Page: Page numbering restarts at the beginning of each new section

Index Page: Page numbering restarts at the beginning of each new section

It really is that simple. Bundledocs automatically produces a fully indexed, sectioned, paginated, bookmarked and hyperlinked bundle in minutes.The example above is a simple index page but you have the ability to customise to suit your requirements. Start your free trial today and give it a try for yourself.

Creating bundles is effortless with Bundledocs. For more information, please see our 'Complete Training Guide' which can be downloaded within your account. Any questions, simply get in contact with our support team today!

Feature Focus: Easily Arrange Files within Bundledocs

At Bundledocs we are dedicated to helping our users create high quality professional bundles with ease. In this Feature Focus post, we will highlight some of our top tips for moving folders and documents. Our intuitive software makes the process of moving folders or documents easy - simply drag and drop. 

With Bundledocs, one way to ensure you are inserting documents/sections in the correct location is with dash lines. There are a number of different dash lines - grey, black and yellow. Let's take a closer look at these now...


Grey Highlight

Grey Highlight

Grey Highlight: The grey highlight will appear when you are moving documents or sections into another section. 

Black Dash Line

Black Dash Line

Black Dash Line: The black dash line will appear when you are moving a single or multiple documents from one location to another. Before a document is dropped into place, a black dash line will appear to indicate that the document will be dropped after the highlighted file. 

Yellow Dash Line

Yellow Dash Line

Yellow Dash Line: Similarly, a yellow dash line will appear when you are moving a single or multiple documents from one location to another. Before a document is dropped into place, a yellow dash line will appear to indicate that the document will be dropped before the highlighted file. 

For more information, please see our 'Complete Training Guide' which can be downloaded within your account. Any questions, simply get in contact with our support team today!

Bundledocs: Intuitive Bates Numbering Software

Bates numbering or bates stamping as it is also known, is a method of uniquely numbering legal documents. Bates numbering is affixed electronically to documents and provides identification, protection and timely data retrieval for legal professionals.

For those applying bates numbering to legal bundles or briefs, Bundledocs is the solution for you. Bundledocs is designed to help legal professionals effortlessly prepare quality bundles in minutes. The best bit – it only takes 5 steps. 

Bundledocs Bates Numbering Software

Bundledocs software makes it quick and easy to paginate documents. Automating document pagination and bates numbering can help save you hours of time and effort. In addition to automating page numbering, you also have the ability to include bates numbering.

When it comes to bates numbering Bundledocs provides a range of customisable options so you can create a bundle to suit your requirements. So when applying bates numbering to your bundle, you choose how you want your numbering to appear. Let’s see an example…

Example of Bates Numbering with Bundledocs

Example of Bates Numbering with Bundledocs

How to Add Bates Numbering to a PDF Bundle?

If you’re on the hunt for a tool to help you quickly and easily add bates numbering to your documents and PDF bundle, then look no further than Bundledocs. Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Select ‘Generate‘.

  2. Expand the ‘Bates Numbering‘ section and set your Bates Start, Bates Length, Bates Prefix and Bates Suffix.

  3. Press ‘Generate‘.

Bates numbering will be instantly applied to each page of your bundle, which is immediately available to download, securely share, print or save. What could be better?

That’s not all. Bundledocs provides the flexibility so you can easily make changes to your completed bundle. If documents need to be added or removed – no problem. Bundledocs automates these tasks so last minute changes are handled with ease. There is no need to re-do numbering and your updated bundle is immediately available. 

Interested to learn more? Get in touch with our team if you have any questions about our bates numbering software. We offer free online demonstrations and a free 30 day trial if you would like to give it a try for yourself.

Feature Focus: Upload a Title Page for your Generated Bundle

Bundledocs software is specifically designed to help users quickly and easily create document bundles. Our software provides a range of features and customisable options so you can ensure you create a bundle that suits your requirements.

One feature that is particularly beneficial is the option to include a title page for your bundle. As you may have read in our recent posts, the latest release of Bundledocs saw a number of design changes and feature updates. Within this release, the 'Upload Title Page' option has been moved and is now included within the Generate options. Let's take a closer look...


Step 1: Select the 'Generate' option. The Generate window will then appear. 


Step 2: Click the '+' next to the 'Bundle Title Page' option.

Step 3: Click the 'Choose Title Page' button to upload your title page. 

Once selected the title page will appear at the beginning of your completed bundle. Remember you can delete or replace the uploaded title page, at any time. Simple re-generate your bundle once any changes have been made and download. 

Remember, if you have included sections within your bundle, you have the ability to add individual title pages for each section.