Documents all over the place? Discover why more and more companies are choosing Bundledocs as their top bundling tool.
Bundledocs allows you take documents from various programs and create a single indexed, paginated numbered PDF document for distribution to internal and external parties. No upfront costs, no training needed, no minimum terms - just get going!
Happy Customers
(to name just a few!)
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Customer Testimonials
“We wanted e-bundling software that met Manchester Family Law Court requirements and therefore looked at Bundledocs. It was important that the finished bundle was available in ocr pdf format and fully searchable. Bundledocs does this quickly and easily and means we don’t have to purchase any additional software. During our trial our Family Department quickly discovered that production of a pdf bundle really is in 5 easy steps with Bundledocs”
“Bundledocs is an amazing time saving tool for creating, editing, indexing and paginating bundles. It has simplified a burdensome part of the litigation process at a time when solicitors’ are under increasing pressure to reduce their costs.”
“I created a bundle in two hours the old way, then I did it again using Bundledocs, it only took twenty minutes. This process takes all of the pain out of ensuring that bundles are created on time and are paginated properly. It simplified a time consuming task that used to require too much manpower and supervision.
“I run a high volume finance broking company. Bundledocs is the only alternative I could find to using a full paperless system. Everything else is cumbersome and places added costs and time in trying to make a truly paperless brief. Bundledocs allows you run multiple files at once, and using templates allows it to be tailored for different lenders / purposes, providing an at glance update on what is still outstanding. It also allows us to provide a much more professional loan file to the lender for consideration”
Who Chooses Bundledocs?
For document management, report generation, compliance and regulation.
For litigation, commercial law, family law, private client, internal administration, remote location co-working.
Government Organisations.
For case handling, litigation file handling, property ownership filing, white collar crime prosecution, book of evidence - and hundreds of similar uses.
For collating medical charts for transmission to others or collaboration online.
Large Organisations.
For location handling, document collation, document management - or even internal legal teams and counsel.
Accountancy & Banking.
For tax advisers, deal bibles. audit management, client information, Freedom of Information bundles.
You. For meetings, reports, cv's, dissertations and sorting out any large volumes of documents.