How does Bundledocs work?
Take a load of documents from your folder, case or document management system. Bundledocs organises them into a neat, numbered, sectioned booklet in minutes - ready to save, share or print. No matter how big or small, you can change in seconds. Simple, easy to use, time-saving and massively efficient.
No upfront costs, no training needed, no minimum terms - just get going!
Want to effortlessly prepare quality professional briefs, document bundles, reports, eBooks or electronic binders? Need a solution to help speed up important document preparation? Then you need Bundledocs. Let's take a closer look...
Incredibly Easy to Use
With one click your bundle is automatically indexed, numbered, hyperlinked & bookmarked. No need for long laborious training sessions. Just pick it up and go!
Securely Work with Anyone
Do you need to work with colleagues in different offices? Share bundles with clients? Or even collaborate with the other side? Bundledocs does it all. Work more with less paper.
Anywhere, Any Time, on Any Device
With Bundledocs you are no longer confined to the office. PC, laptop, tablet, phone - whatever your device - now you can continue to work efficiently regardless of where you are.
A Solution You'll Love
(and in only 5 simple steps)
Key Features
Manage high volume document cases efficiently. Every bundle is automatically numbered, indexed, hyperlinked and bookmarked for quick and easy access.
Make your bundle fully searchable with the click of a button. Bundledocs creates an OCR bundle quickly so you can find what you want, when you want, on any device.
Draft again and again until you get it right. Need to make a change. No problem. Bundledocs handles last minute changes and late inserts with ease.
Create bundles from templates, prepare volumes and multi sectioned bundles. Even add document dates to your index and amend if necessary. Complex tasks made easy.
Redact Confidential Information
Quickly and easily apply redactions directly onto any document. This will allow you to completely remove sensitive data before sharing or printing your bundle.
Annotate your Documents
Effortlessly create public or private annotations directly from Bundledocs. Our unique approach ensures nothing is lost if any changes are made or new versions of your bundle created.
Upload documents directly from your Case or Document Management System. Partners include iManage, NetDocuments, Tikit TFB, Clio and Worldox to name just a few. Discover our integration partners.
If you are working on large volume cases then Bundedocs is the solution for you. Our unique and powerful solution sets the standard when it comes to document bundling. With Bundledocs computational resources are added and subtracted automatically in line with demand. What does this mean for you? No stalling, no crashing and no issues - regardless of the size of bundles you are producing.
“We wanted e-bundling software that met Manchester Family Law Court requirements and therefore looked at Bundledocs. It was important that the finished bundle was available in ocr pdf format and fully searchable. Bundledocs does this quickly and easily and means we don’t have to purchase any additional software. During our trial our Family Department quickly discovered that production of a pdf bundle really is in 5 easy steps with Bundledocs”
Key Benefits
Eliminate Repetitive Tasks
Streamline document preparation and manage your cases more effectively with Bundledocs. Our unique solution automates time intensive repetitive tasks such as: indexing, paginating/ numbering, hyperlinking, bookmarking etc. Even better when working collaboratively with colleagues or third parties you can avoid duplication of work, as you all work from one central location.
High Quality Professional Bundles
At Bundledocs we know it is imperative that our solution is simple and intuitive to use but also powerful to ensure that every bundle produced is prepared precisely, is of high standard and can be provided to the court in good time. With our leading PDF bundling tool you can effortlessly produce bundles that will enhance the image and reputation of your practice.
No Learning Curve
Bundledocs is so simple and effortless to use you don't even need training. We know busy professionals do not have the time to allocate to long training sessions or to read copious amounts of training materials. With Bundledocs you don't have to. Effortlessly create bundles in minutes - not hours!
Reduce Production Time & Costs
Don't waste valuable time preparing bundles when Bundledocs can do the hard work for you. Our unique solution ensures you no longer waste valuable time and money preparing bundles. Through the automation of laborious and time intensive tasks Bundledocs can reduce staff, photocopying and delivery costs including postage, couriers and DX.
Environmentally Friendly
Change the way you prepare bundles with Bundledocs. Our powerful solution ensures you no longer have to print unnecessarily. Build your bundle over time and only print when you are ready. Need to collaborate? You can work effortlessly with colleagues or third parties - and even eliminate the use of DX or couriers. Move towards a paperless office, become more environmentally friendly as well as reducing costs - all without knowing it!
Flexible to Suit You
Bundledocs is ideal for busy professionals and ensures you produce high quality professional bundles from any location, any device and at any time. It is powerful to ensure that any bundle prepared suits your specific needs and requirements; and is flexible to effortlessly handle last minute changes, amendments and late inserts with ease.
Who Chooses Bundledocs?
Lawyers. For litigation, commercial law, family law, private client, internal administration, remote location co-working.
Business. For document management, report generation, compliance and regulation.
Government Organisations. For case handling, litigation file handling, property ownership filing, white collar crime prosecution, book of evidence - and hundreds of similar uses.
Large Organisations. For location handling, document collation, document management - or even internal legal teams and counsel.
Medical. For collating medical charts for transmission to others or collaboration online.
Accountancy & Banking. For tax advice, deal bibles. audit management, client information, Freedom of Information bundles.
You. For meetings, reports, cv's, dissertations and sorting out any large volumes of documents.