Let’s discuss collaboration. Here at Bundledocs making it easy and secure to work with others has been our priority since day one. Plus as a cloud-first solution we have the flexibility to allow you to work seamlessly with anyone, anytime and on any device. Let’s jump right in and show you how collaboration is done…
We were inspired to write today’s post from a recent enquiry we had about Bundledocs. The user (and now client) was looking for a solution that integrated with their DMS system and allowed them to easily collaborate on bundles with colleagues in different offices - without the need to travel.
“We are looking to collaborate with colleagues in remote locations on bundles - without the need to travel to each office. Is it possible to permit people in various offices access the bundle data so we can collaboratively work on bundles? ”
Yes. If you too are looking for a solution to help you securely collaborate with colleagues, other side counsel, clients or any third party, then Bundledocs has a solution for you. In this post we will go through Bundledocs Secure Share; Bundledocs Online Collaboration and Bundledocs Groups. Let’s get started!
Secure Share
(Electronically share your bundles in an instant)
How it works. Our Secure Share allows you share a password protected bundle with anyone - outside counsel, barristers, other side solicitor, client etc. When you share a bundle using Bundledocs, the recipient will receive two emails: The first contains a unique password and the second email contains a link to download the bundle. Use both to instantly download the bundle.
How it helps. Our Secure Share is great for anyone working with large bundles. You are no longer limited by your email limits and can now send bundles of any size to anyone. You won’t need to print and send bundles unnecessarily and can help move towards being a less-paper office. Win. Win.
Did you know? Many of our clients are now using our Secure Share feature to share the index or Table of Contents page with others. Simply generate your bundle to only include the index page and then securely share your index with others. Here’s a quick video so you can see it in action: Share Index with Others (Video).
Over the last few months we’ve added a number of new enhancements to our Secure Share feature to make it even better. It is now possible to set an expiry date for your shared bundle; set download limits and even type longer messages when sending.
Online Collaboration
(Securely collaborate on bundles with anyone)
How it works. Bundledocs Online Collaboration allows you grant access to others to view, edit and work on your bundle(s). You can grant access to any third party - you control who is allowed access and what access type they have.
How it helps. With online collaboration the days of sending bundles back and forth are over. Create one bundle and grant access to anyone that needs it. This feature is great if you need to have a number of people working on a bundle. The best bit? You don’t even need to have a Bundledocs account. It’s automatically created when you send them the invite!
Did you know? Bundledocs allows multiple users to work on the same bundle, at the same time. This is brilliant for anyone who’s working on large complex cases. It ensures that when you’re working on a particular section of your bundle, it’s locked for use to another other user.
Work in Groups
(Work together with colleagues on your bundles)
How it works. Bundledocs Team Groups allow you to work together with colleagues on your bundles. Everyone is working from the same place - regardless of which office they are in or where in the world they are.
How it helps. You don’t have to wait until the last minute to start preparing your bundles. Build up and modify as the case progresses and remove the last minute stress. Plus with everyone working from the same place you no longer have to worry about duplication. What a dream!
Did you know? Bundledocs have introduced Management Groups to help you easily manage your organisations user licences, bundles, access rights, global template and styles - and much more. If you’ve yet to introduce Management Groups in your practice, then get in touch today. We will be happy to show you how it works and offer free Admin training too.
That’s a wrap. If you’ve any other queries about Bundledocs secure share, online collaboration, team groups or management groups then make sure to contact our team. We will be delighted to show you more.