How to drag and drop a single file

Moving files from one area to another is a big part of Bundledocs. However, many are unaware that there are multiple ways to move files and documents. In our upcoming Drag & Drop series, we will discuss these different methods further.

How to drag and drop a single file? Moving a single document from one area to another involves 3 simple steps.

1. Click and hold the file with the mouse pointer

2. Move the mouse pointer over to the area where you want to move the file

3. Release the Mouse Pointer

Now, let’s see how this looks in Bundledocs…


Top Tip! Remember when moving documents from the Storage Area to the Work Area, make sure the dash line appears before dropping the document. The dash line appears as a guide to ensure you are dropping your document in the correct position.

What type of files and documents does Bundledocs support?


Question: What type of files and documents does Bundledocs support?


Bundledocs is designed to help legal professionals create legal briefs quickly and easily. In order to create the perfect brief, users simply upload any file or document and let Bundledocs take care of the hard work. Bundledocs supports a range of files, including...

Word Documents (.doc and .docx)

Email (.msg, .eml)

Adobe (.pdf)

Text Files (.txt, .xml)

HTML (.html, .htm)

Images (.png, .gif, .tiff, .tif, .jpg, .jpeg)

Excel (.xls, .xlsx)

Rich Text Format Documents (.rtf)

Video (.avi, .mp4, .webm, .mov, .ogg, .hecv)

Audio (.mp3, .m4a, .wav, .aac)

Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptx)

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Bundledocs Review 2012: Cloud Computing & The Law Firm

In the third and final part of our 2012 review series, this post will focus on the issue of cloud computing within the legal field. During 2012 there was a considerable amount of discussion about the adoption and use of cloud technologies within law firms. During the year, we posted a number of articles in relation to cloud computing, so let’s take a look…

1. Cloud computing: The Basics

2. Is Cloud Computing Right for you?

3. What is Saas?

4. SaaS Vs. Traditional Software

5. Why Smaller Firms Adopt Saas

In addition to these articles, there were a number of interesting infographics…

1. Are you Already in the Cloud?

2. Cloud Infographic: What is it?

3. Infographic: Moving your Business to the Cloud.

Already in the cloud

Already in the cloud

What is SaaS

What is SaaS

Moving to the cloud

Moving to the cloud


Bundledocs Review 2012: Getting Started

In the second part of our 2012 review, this post will focus on the articles that were aimed at helping users getting started with their Bundledocs account. Let’s take a look..

1.  How to create an account

2.  How long does the free trial last

3.  I am using the free trial and want to create another case

4.  Help: Live Chat

5.  Help: Step-by-Step Help Guide

6.  How to login to your account

7.  Getting to know your account: Home page

8.  Getting to know your account: My Account

9.  How to quickly search your cases within your account

10. How to drag & drop files

If there are any questions you would like answered, please leave us a comment below or email

Bundledocs Review 2012: What is Bundledocs?

During the course of 2012 we have posted a significant number of articles here on our blog. As such, we have created a three part series ‘Bundledocs Review 2012’, which we hope will be beneficial to those new to Bundledocs as well as our current users. So let’s get started.

Bundledocs Review 2012: What is Bundledocs?

Bundledocs Basics: This post gives an overview of what Bundledocs is and how it creates briefs. Read more...

Bundledocs Top 10 Features: Get a quick overview of Bundledocs Top 10 Features. Read More...

Bundledocs Explained: Watch our video to quickly see what Bundledocs is all about. Read More...

Bundledocs Infographic: At the beginning of the year we created an interesting infographic. Check it out and see if you have had a similar experience in your office. Read More...