Getting to know your Account: Home Page


1. Bundledocs Logo: The Bundledocs logo is located on the top left corner of the Bundledocs User Account. Users simply click on the logo and immediately return to the home page.

2. ‘Create a New Case’ Button: Creating a new case is easy. Users simply login to their unique account and click the ‘Create a New Case’ button. Immediately a prompt appears on screen and users enter a unique ‘Case Code’ and ‘Case Title’. Users can then begin creating document bundles straight away.

3. Code and Case Title: The Bundledocs User Account page is categorised by ‘Case Code’ and ‘Case Title’. All document bundles created within Bundledocs are located in this area. In order to view a bundle, users simply click on either the ‘Case Code’ or the ‘Case Title’ and the bundle will open immediately.

4. Search All: As the number of document bundles created within Bundledocs increases, the ‘Search All’ feature significantly reduces the time taken to find a relevant bundle. Users simple write the ‘Case Code’ or ‘Case Title’ of the bundle required into the ‘Search All’ field and Bundldocs will immediately present the bundles that match the search query.

5. Edit details of a bundle: To change the ‘Case Code’, ‘Case Tile’ or to share a bundle, simply click the notepad icon, located beneath the ‘Search All’ field.

6. Blue Silhouette: To find who the original owner of a bundle is, simply click on the blue silhouette. A window will then appear identifying the name and email address of the original user.

Red Silhouette: A Red Silhouette icon will appear next to the Blue Silhouette and enables users to view if another team-member is working on a bundle. As Bundledocs allows users to share document bundles, this icon will appear on a Users Account Page to show that another user is currently working on that bundle.

7. Username /Email Address: Users can access additional information about their Bundledocs Account by clicking their email address, on the top right corner of the screen. Once the email has been clicked a drop down menu will appear. The dropdown menu enables users to access the Home page, My Account, User Account Stats and the Logout button.

Bundledocs LXBN Interview

LegalTech New York proved to be another success this year with exhibitors from around the world presenting a range of new legal software that will be available for lawyers in the coming year. Bundledocs bundling software were among the 200 exhibitors at LegalTech 2012. During the event, Bundledocs Operations Director Brian Kenneally was interviewed by Colin O’Keefe from LXBN TV. Watch the video below in which they discuss some of Bundledocs features, what 2012 has in store for Bundledocs, in addition to Brian’s thoughts on LegalTech New York 2012.

Review: Legal Tech New York 2012

Legal Tech New York 2012 Review

Legal Tech New York 2012 Review

Legal Tech New York took place last week from January 30th to February 1st. The annual event which is the largest and most important legal technology event of the year, proved another success this year.

Legal Technology News has compiled a list of articles from this year’s event, including the latest information on sessions, keynotes, new product announcements and other interesting news from the exhibit hall floor. For those who are interested in legal technology and were unable to attend, Legal Technology News provide extensive coverage of Legal Tech 2012.

Click to view Legal Tech 2012 coverage from 'Legal Technology News'

Bundledocs bundling software would like to thank anyone that visited our stand at the Legal Tech event and if you need any follow-up information please contact us.

Cloud Computing Infographic: Dell

Industry predictions for 2012 have identified that businesses will continue to adopt and invest in cloud computing services. According to Forrester’s Holger Kisker, 2012 marks the year that the cloud becomes mature. Small and medium businesses no longer see the cloud as merely a trend but instead it’s now business as usual.

Dell recently released an infographic outlining a practical framework for moving your business to the cloud. The infographic clearly outlines a range of relevant information regarding cloud computing. For example: Why has cloud computing grown in relevance to IT managers and business leaders in recent years?

Link: Source

Bundledocs Account Login

Bundledocs is a cloud based software that enables users to access their information anytime, anywhere. Cloud computing allows for greater flexibility and significantly increases convenience as users can access their data securely from any computer or device with internet access. For the legal sector, creating court bundles has never been easier with Bundledocs.

How to Login to Bundledocs

Bundledocs users can access their account through the Bundledocs login page. The login page can be accessed directly by visiting or by visiting the Bundledocs website and clicking the login button, located on the top right corner of the web page. In order to gain access to your unique user account, simply enter your username and password into the required fields. Once successfully logged in users can begin creating court bundles straight away!

  1. Access the Login page via

  2. Type your username and password in the area provided, as shown above. If you have forgotten your password, simply select the ‘Reset Password‘ option on screen.

  3. Click ‘Sign In‘

Not already a Bundledocs user? Setting up an account is easy. Simply fill in the ‘create an account’ form and provide a unique username and password for your Bundledocs account. Bundledocs offers each new user a free case/bundle to try our innovative document bundling software. So see how Bundledocs can change the way you bundle documents today!