The latest feature releases
This month our team have added a number of new enhancements and additions to Bundledocs. So what's new? To begin with, Bundledocs now allows you upload unsupported files. For example, it is now possible to upload audio and video files. These can then be securely shared with others directly from Bundledocs and will be represented by a PDF containing metadata from the file. What could be better.
That's not all. Even though you can easily copy a complete bundle in Bundledocs, we have had a number of requests asking it if it possible to copy a section from one bundle to another. You asked, now it's here!
Another handy feature that has been added is the ability to edit the text that appears above the pages on your index page. By default the text 'Page(s)' appears but you now have the option to change it. This works great for anyone preparing their bundle in another language.
Never worry about late documents again.
Great news for anyone that uses our late inserts feature. We have added yet another enhancement when preparing a bundle with documents that arrive in at the last minute. Now you have the option to generate a version of your bundle that contains only the late insert documents and the updated index.
Interested to learn more? We released a post earlier in the month taking you through everything there is to know about Bundledocs Late Inserts. We have included the links to these below:
Feature Focus Post: Bundledocs Late Inserts Explained
Video: Bundledocs Late Inserts
Manual: Why not download a copy of our manual to learn everything there is to know.
Event time at the London Law Expo 2017
The Bundledocs team were delighted to be showcasing at the 2017 London Law Expo this month. This year's event was the biggest yet and was spread over 2 floors, included over 6 presentation stages, 70 expert speakers and over 80 exhibitors (including Bundledocs!). During the event our team were busy showcasing everything that Bundledocs can do so thanks to everyone that stopped by. If you missed the event, not to worry. We offer free demonstrations and free trials, so get in touch with us today. We would love to hear from you!
Now that you're all caught up with the latest from Bundledocs, make sure to go follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and YouTube so you don't miss a thing.