Feature Focus: Bundledocs Integrates with Dropbox

Here at Bundledocs our team is dedicated to helping users create document bundles quickly and easily. In order to make this process even easier, in our latest release we have integrated with Dropbox - an online file hosting service. 

This new integration feature will allow users to upload directly from their Bundledocs account and in addition, once the document bundle has been created save a copy back into Dropbox. This is a great new addition that we hope will make the process of creating document bundles even easier. 

Let's take a closer look...


1. Upload files directly from your Dropbox account into Bundledocs. 


2. Once you have finnished creating your document bundle within Bundledocs, the completed bundle can be saved directly into your Dropbox account. 

Remember: Bundledocs can integrate with a number of case or document management systems, so get in contact with our team today to find out more.