Cisco Live 2012: Innovation and Accelerating Change


Dave Evans, chief technologist and futurist for the Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group recently spoke at Cisco Live 2012.

The annual event which took place from January 31st to February 3rd in London, is one of the industry’s premier education and training events for IT, networking and communication professionals. During Cisco Live, Dave Evans outlined what he forsees as the top 10 technology trends that will change the world in the next decade.

Mr. Evans highlighted a number of different trends that have the power to drastically change our world. These include an increase in internet connectectivity, network speeds, social networking and the cloud. In relation to cloud computing Mr. Evans predicts that by 2020 one third of all data will live in or pass through the cloud and in addition, IT spending on innovation and cloud computing could top $1 trillion by 2014.

Click to read what top 10 technology trends Mr. Dave Evans believes will change the world in the next decade.

Is cloud computing right for you?


Cloud computing is an industry of marked growth with large companies continuing to adopt and invest within the area. Due to its significant rise in popularity, there is an enormous amount of information available regarding the cloud. For businesses, considering the best cloud options can often be a daunting task and it can be difficult to decide which cloud options are best – if any at all.  

In order to determine the best cloud options for your business, it is important to be aware that there are three primary approaches to cloud computing: Platform-as-a-service, infrastructure-as-a-service and software-as-a-service. defined these approaches as:


Under PaaS offerings, cloud computing providers deliver the hardware, network and operating system. You, the client, provides the application code to the cloud provider and runs the application remotely.


For IaaS, both hardware and network resources are delivered by cloud providers. Clients continue to control their own applications and operating systems. This can also be referred to as co-location.


With SaaS, cloud providers control the hardware, network, operating system and select applications. Clients access the application via the Internet.

For businesses considering adopting cloud technologies,David Linthicum advised that business should consider the following. Firstly, businesses need to define and address the problems that exist within the company as underlying inefficiencies have a real cost. Secondly, businesses should try to move beyond the buzzwords to the heart of the problem. Once the problems and inefficiencies have been highlighted, only then can businesses consider how to utilise cloud technologies. As such when considering cloud technologies businesses need to define what’s wrong, determine how to fix it and only then can you clearly see how cloud computing can effectively address these problems.

Could new technologies change the way we work?

Social media, mobile technologies and cloud based computing has seen a dramatic rise in recent years. Collectively these relatively new technologies have greatly accelerated the speed at which ideas are generated and brought to fruition. As these technologies continue to rise, it is important to consider what effects this will have on future working practices.

Within our personal lives actively communicating and collaborating online has become the norm. People spend hour’s online sharing news and views, uploading photos and videos and engaging with each other. However, although these new technologies play a significant role within our personal lives, cooperating this smoothly in our professional lives is quite different.

In order to help us understand how new technologies such as social media, mobile technologies and cloud based computing could affect the future of working practices, Google commissioned an international study. In order to examine this workplace transformation Google gathered opinions from employees around the world and also experts in innovation and business transformation.  Based on the results from this study there are three areas where Google think these new technologies will dramatically alter future working practices.

1: Communication & collaboration

2: 100% mobile web business world

3: Going social


Visit BBC News to read more about new technologies could shape future work practices.


Bundledocs LXBN Interview

LegalTech New York proved to be another success this year with exhibitors from around the world presenting a range of new legal software that will be available for lawyers in the coming year. Bundledocs bundling software were among the 200 exhibitors at LegalTech 2012. During the event, Bundledocs Operations Director Brian Kenneally was interviewed by Colin O’Keefe from LXBN TV. Watch the video below in which they discuss some of Bundledocs features, what 2012 has in store for Bundledocs, in addition to Brian’s thoughts on LegalTech New York 2012.

Review: Legal Tech New York 2012

Legal Tech New York 2012 Review

Legal Tech New York 2012 Review

Legal Tech New York took place last week from January 30th to February 1st. The annual event which is the largest and most important legal technology event of the year, proved another success this year.

Legal Technology News has compiled a list of articles from this year’s event, including the latest information on sessions, keynotes, new product announcements and other interesting news from the exhibit hall floor. For those who are interested in legal technology and were unable to attend, Legal Technology News provide extensive coverage of Legal Tech 2012.

Click to view Legal Tech 2012 coverage from 'Legal Technology News'

Bundledocs bundling software would like to thank anyone that visited our stand at the Legal Tech event and if you need any follow-up information please contact us.