Looking for an easy way to prepare large ebundles? Come join our 30 minute webinar on Thursday, November 4th at 12 noon GMT to discover how simple it is with Bundledocs.
We will cover the 5 steps you need to prepare an electronic bundle from anywhere and how to securely share (via cloud delivery) with anyone. As Bundledocs is 100% cloud based you can easily work from anywhere, from any device and even collaborate with colleagues, clients or any other parties. This webinar is perfect for anyone getting started with Bundledocs or if you need a refresher on the steps you need to prepare bundles using Bundledocs.
Come join us on Thursday, 5th November at 12 noon to discover:
PDF ebundle creation: 5 steps to prepare an ebundle of any size
Automatic numbering: Never paginate a bundle again. Discover automated pagination, instant updates and our awesome late inserts feature
Fully Text Searchable: Learn how easy it is to make your ebundle fully text searchable
Securely Send Ebundles: Bundledocs in-built secure sharing means you can instantly share bundles of any size with the courts or any third party.
Make sure to register your place today! If you can’t make it then let us know and we can schedule a free online demonstration at a time that better suits you or answer any queries you have.